Current Weather in Oulu, Linnanmaa

2.4 °C

24 Hour Extremes
High: 4.6°C Low: 0.7°C
@2024-04-26 10:53 UTC @2024-04-26 20:03 UTC

Wind chill: 0.2 °C
Dew point: -0.3 °C
Humidity: 82.6 %
Air pressure: 1009.4 hPa
Wind speed: 2.1 m/s (gusts: 4.3 m/s)
Wind dir: 153°
Precipitation: past hour: 0.0 mm
past 24 hours: 0.2 mm
past week: 10.7 mm

Long-term summary statistics are here

The weather station has been developed in co-operation between VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Vaisala Oyj.
For more information, please see technical information page or send e-mail to

27/04/2024 07:48